Thursday, April 20, 2006

mountain lakes

either i have allergies (i hate grass) or im sick (god really does hate me) but either way im going to be on drugs when i take the mcats.

im still finding things i dont know for this damn test. and honestly its kinda hard to focus with the sun out and all i want to do is lay out in the sun with a book and a glass of water.

i miss home a lot, this weather always makes me think of washington in august, which im never there for. but i havent been home in so long. i want to go hiking up to the lakes in the mountains again, and jump off that rock into the water.

that day was so much fun. if you know me, you know i hate falling. absolutely, i wont go on splash mountain, its a horrible feeling. but that day i managed to get up enough courage to jump off a rock about 20 feet above the water (doesnt seem like a whole lot, but trust me, heres a pic with adam jumping off, who is 6'2" or so). but it took me so long, i walked to the edge and looked down and i couldnt jump, it took me a few minutes, and finally i walked away from it, and i tried to run towards the edge but i was too scared so i only managed to walk quickly, and i didnt have enough speed so i couldnt take a flying leap off, it was more like i stepped off, which is really scary. and i remember falling and for the first two seconds it wasnt too bad, and then that last third i felt like i was never going to stop, and then splash i hit that rather cold glacier lake water. it was exhilarating. but i couldnt do it again.

i miss the trees, i miss the clean air, i miss the mountains, the sun, the rain, the ocean. and i miss my family. only 3 weeks!

adam jumping off the rock. i dont have a pic of myself doing it, but i promise you i did! Posted by Picasa

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