Sunday, April 16, 2006

disorder reigns

i just want it neat and clean again. my room is a mess, clothes and books everywhere, my school work is a mess, i cant seem to do everything i need to do, my body's a mess, im sick and i cannot afford to be sick now. my throat hurts so bad i can barely swallow. i honestly just wish someone would come and clean my room. i cant wait till saturday, i want to come back and lay on the couch and get lots of hugs and love, maybe go out to dinner, someone else can drive, and we can go to my favorite thai place in pasadena, except its saturday so traffic will probably be bad, but ill fall asleep in the car on the way there, and ill get a bunch of different types of noodles, mmm, and then come back and watch a movie and have icecream. and come sunday i can either go snowboarding or sleep in and go shopping and finally get myself all those things i want...or at least a few things i need.

but i feel like more likely saturday im gonna come back and lay on the couch, and then fall asleep. which can also be nice. maybe not ideal, i know how to make myself happy ; )

i dont know if anyone reads this. if you do, leave a comment and let me know? and to make it interesting, recount a favorite memory of us

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