Monday, May 01, 2006

party eyes

Ive never been very good with 'eye flirting'. In fact, I have a hard time making eye contact with any guy that I dont know, be he attractive or far from it. If a guy catches my eye, I quickly look away, and I am rarely able to hold a gaze for more than a few seconds. I wonder why this is? Im sure its a remnant of my past shyness, proof that I am more intro than extroverted. But the eyes are so intimate, you can exchange so much in a glance, I'm afraid of sharing too much so I look away.
there have been a few times when i have maintained eye contact long enough for the guy to smile as we pass each other on the street. and in that half second, im a 13 yo girl again giddy with the rush of attraction.
i sometimes notice guys looking at me, but im too shy to smile and give them encouragement to talk to me. i stand aloof, alone on a stairway, staring off into space pretending to watch the beerpong game below, and I see guys looking. Theyre wondering why Im standing alone, whats the circumstance that has left me without a conversation, and they perhaps contemplate coming over. but i feel like the unapproachable one, the one who gives off an air of being too good for the party and for all of you, when in reality Im just bored and alone, waiting for my friends to finish making out so I can go home.


Anonymous said...

That's one of the things that I hate about L.A. No one makes eye contact. It's not just you, no one in this city does it.

sam said...

Do you think it's an 'intro' marker? Cause I can't make eye contact with people either, and I def do that look away quickly thing when they look back.