Monday, May 22, 2006

dangerous drug

today i woke up sick. or so i thought. i had all the symptoms of a cold, and i was miserable as i came down the stairs in my robe.klenex box in hand, i truly believed i was destined for a day on the couch. however, my dad later informed me that grass pollen was off the charts today, and i realized i only had allergies. as we were about to go out to lunch, i took a benedryl and we were off to malay satay hut in redmond. another one of my favorite restaurants. on the way, my throat began to kind of close up and my tongue started swelling a bit. this was the most intense allergic reaction i have had from grass, so i thought i better take another benedryl.
lunch was great, really delicious with 2 noodle dishes, chicken satay, and bread with curry. after we decided to go to a coffee shop for a latte. the cafe was perfect, exactly what you want out of a neighborhood coffee shop. friendly staff, great decor, and lattes in giant cups with hearts made out of the foam. only problem was, i was thoroughly sedated.
the drive to the shop found me nodding off, and when we got there i did my best to wake up, but im afraid the barista must have thought i was loopy as i ordered at a speed comparable to those with less mental capacity. as we waited for my drinks, i tried to make conversation with my dad. we talked about normal things, but i couldnt get any of my ideas to form correctly, my scentences came out slightly confused, and my speach was slurred and slow. in short, i felt like i was drunk and desperately trying to keep it together. it was exactly like the end of a night of drinking, all slow, tired, goofy, and confused. i actually felt embarressed because i was acting so drunk around my dad. guess im not yet comfortable partying with my parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, benedryl will do that to you. It has exactly the same active ingredient in exactly the same dose as the sleeping pills Simply Sleep. I use the two drugs interchangably... Simply Sleep is usually a little cheaper so I use that when I have allergies.