Saturday, October 28, 2006


I do realize that it is 1145 and i am just now awake. And personally I find it more disturbing than you. Think of all the things I could of done (planned to do) before noon rolled around. One of which would have been make a trip to the grocery store and acutally buy some food. Currently I have very little food. And its quite depressing. But lets see. To continue the list
3-Med School Interviews. I was in Michigan last weekend and had my first ever medschool interview. I'm not entirely sure how well I did, there were some questions that I wasn't as clear or coherent as I'd like in my answer, and I wish I talked more for each questions, but I have a habit of stopping and waiting for another directional prompt before I continue talking. But I absolutely loved their school. Except for the fact that its in MICHIGAN they are a perfect fit for me. The curriculum is super flexible, they let you take the weekly quizes any time over the weekend, so you could take it on friday and have the entire weekend stress free. All lectures are videoed and put online to review or watch at your pleasure. Most lecture days only go till noon, unlike some medschools which have lecture 8-5. Its integrated and organ based, with anatomy spanning every sequence as opposed to one long stint. The hospital is amazing, they're a top 10 school, they are ranked 3rd in residency matching, and the town of ann arbor is perfect. small enough to walk around, big enough to have lots of places to eat and buy things. But it is far away and cold and in the middle of nowhere. My next interview is with UW this wednesday and i fly out tuesday at 6pm. I am less nervous for this one, mainly because i dont have to go through the stress of landing in a new city and arranging everything myself. Though it was amazingly fun, though stressful, doing that in Ann Arbor.

I think breakfast is in order


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