Thursday, October 26, 2006

Re starting

As I noticed how much fun I had from reading my brother and his wife's blog, I have decided to start up again. Now with a new goal, less self reflection, more keeping in touch with family and friends. With this in mind, hopefully I will realize that people read this and not write things offensive to anyone (an incident i would rather not repeat). However, with so much going on in my life, it's going to be hard to catch up. let's just start with a list of cool and exciting things going on.

1-I'm learning lots of cool technology tools. Taking a website design class really made me realize how much i love creating things. As if it wasnt already evident what with my obvious tendancies towards crafts. But this opens a whole new world of design, as I am learning html, photoshop, dreamweaver, and cs soon Also this friday is a tutorial on using maya, and i will learn how to make a 3d jackolantern. I'm super stoked and often waste my time fooling around with these programs. i wonder if i chose the wrong major? or perhaps more importantly, career choice. also, blogger lets you edit the html of your space, something i am very excited to do soon =) =)

2-Tennis!@! what can i say, i found a new love, and though it seems lat to get started with a new sport, I am so glad I found it when i did. Why didnt I realize the potential for fun when I took lessons in 8th grade? who knows. but i play 2-3 times a week now and am slowly getting better (last wednesday was a real turning point for me, I fixed my form and went from akwardly half spinning twisting my legs practically tripping/jumping in the air to something that resembles a swing, and on the plus side my balls all go very nicely over the net with a very satisfying thwack and they dont go too long either! i cant wait to buy a nice racket. I already bought balls (but didnt find the pink ones I saw online) and also on the list is shoes and a bag.

ok, those are only 2 out of a million things going on, but, i am late for biotech.

hopefully i will continue this little attempt at communication, since I am so bad at every other method (im sorry!)



Anonymous said...

Yay! Kristy's back! Yes, people do read this. Keep it up. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't webdesigned in a time...
I don't like dreamweaver though. But it's good for beginners. Better than frontpage.
CS is nice.

Next thing you'll be programming in javascript.