Tuesday, February 28, 2006

one month

Just a few thoughts on the last month before I head off to class. nothing in life comes easy, and this is never as true as in relationships. and though we're had a couple issues, and are still working to figure each other out, things have gone amazingly well. I'm quite happy and enjoying the wonderful feeling that only a new relationship can bring. I can't quite believe it's already been a month. I'm sure its a direct result of being apart more than we are together, and only seeing each other on the weekends, but also as a result of this is an actual awareness each time i return home alone of how we have grown closer. instead of a gradual deepening of feelings, its, for lack of a better word, a quantized relationship in which the changes are more intense. Also this is probably a result of the fact that when we are together, we spend almost the entire time at each others side for the couple days, and though dates and going out are fun, i think its really when you start simply working along side each other and taking comfort in the other's presence that a true bond begins to form. also on that note, silence can say much more about two people than conversation ever can. and so, on the one month anniversary of the day we met at mark's party and spent the entire night talking until 7am, I leave you with a picture that looks like it should be a postcard.

sam and i at santa monica a couple weeks ago Posted by Picasa

oh and if you click the pic it gets bigger

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