Wednesday, February 21, 2007

grey and cloudy

I know i've speant most of my time in LA missing the rainy drizzly grey skies that cover most of mukilteo 7 months of the year. but now im here in oregon, similar weather, and i find that its making me more gloomy and frustrated than contented. Some of which I'm sure is a result of not having any clear goals for each day. I've speant year after year with the structure of school, and I know im going back, but i really want to learn to enjoy this free time. and I hope i can, soon.

Last monday I was watching super nanny on abc....something i should probably not like or enjoy but find much guilty pleasure in. And last semester I discovered to my embarressment that I enjoyed flipping through my roommates people and usweekly...when i should be reading newsweek and nyt.

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